Is it a blasphemous thought to imagine playing peekaboo with Jesus? I got tickled the other day thinking about it. And I don’t imagine wearing a bath towel on my head and giggling when Jesus pulls it off. No, the outrageous thought, the blasphemous idea is that he might allow me to put a towel over his head.
Childish, I know. I imagined I’d pull it off and we’d both be laughing together. Of course we’d be laughing at the preposterous idea that the towel would limit his vision or knowledge. It was so ridiculous an idea that I thought we could have a good game together. The universe could laugh with us at the idea.
Perhaps the most outrageous idea is that the God of the Universe would permit a created being to approach and cover him with anything.
But then, Jesus was born in a rude cave to an impoverished woman in Bethlehem. He worked with his father, ate bread with his neighbors, swam in the local pond and slept in a dark room at night. He was betrayed and abandoned by his closest friends, accused by scoundrels, convicted in a crooked trial, and killed on a Roman cross. His glory was extinguished. His perfect communion with God was severed. For me.
Maybe he would play peekaboo. Wouldn’t that be funny?
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